Saturday, September 1, 2012

First Blood


Here I was defending a Minmatar Bunker, I had about 10 min left before the bunker was reclaimed by the Minmatar Republic when a neutral Wolf Class, Assault Frigate warps into my location and attempts to engage me. Being outgunned and outclassed by a far better ship I warped to a Safe Spot and started scanning local. I noticed several more neutrals jumping into system and decided; sometimes you gotta say 'Fuck It'. So I warped back to the bunker and found a Vexor Class, Cruiser, Rifter Class, Frigate and Claw Class, Interceptor waiting. I immediately engaged the Rifter class Frigate. Both the Rifter and the Claw warped off, but I was able to get a tackle on the Vexor Class, Cruiser and the fight was on.

The Vexor was Warped Scrammed and his Micro Warp Drive was offline, but he dropped five Warrior II drones on me and they began eating away at my shields while I was orbiting at 500km with my after burning at full power. I switched targets and started hitting his drones with everything I had. I also used my 'X5 Prototype Engine Enervator; Webber on each drone I was shooting at. The Vexor pilot got the point and recalled his drones while he kept firing at me with his Heavy Electron Blaster II. At this point I was not doing to bad and could have stayed in the fight a little longer when the Claw and rifter warped back into the fight.

I switched target and put everything on the Claw interceptor, maybe I would get lucky and pop him before I went down. Well as you can see, it did not work and my first ship was lost.

I had fun, that’s what counts, my rifter loss was under 1 million isk and it was insured. I had recovered five Warrior I's, five Hornet ECM drones and 1 medium shield extender earlier that day so those items offset my loss and I came out ahead.


I love this game J